About the Founder

Believing in the impact of a personalized touch, Emily ensures that her property resonates with the preferences of her ideal guests. Her commitment to simplifying social media marketing for fellow hosts sets her apart. Emily's approach is straightforward, effective, and tailored to making the complexities of marketing more manageable for others in the industry.

Passionate about sharing her insights and experiences, Emily has become a go-to resource for hosts looking to elevate their social media presence and streamline their marketing efforts. Through her expertise, she continues to inspire and empower other hosts to achieve success in the competitive landscape of short-term rentals.

Emily is a short-term rental owner who personally manages her property, leveraging her MBA background and a passion for marketing to create a unique and successful business model. With over 5 years of hands-on experience in social media marketing, Emily discovered the power of digital platforms in transforming her short-term rental into a sought-after destination.

Recognizing the potential of social media, Emily strategically implemented marketing techniques that not only built an online following but also translated into increased bookings. She skillfully harnessed the influence of social media to target her ideal guests, utilizing email collection to further enhance her marketing reach.